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Help fund your school and unlock perks: Complete the Application for Educational Benefits before Dec. 15

Help fund your school and unlock perks: Complete the Application for Educational Benefits before Dec. 15

If you haven’t done so already, please complete your Application for Educational Benefits (AEB) before Dec. 15. It’s easy to apply online for instant processing or see your school for a paper application.

Why apply?

Even if you do not think you’ll qualify, your participation helps secure millions of dollars in funding for our schools!

The AEB can provide family benefits like…

  • Free or reduced-cost transportation 
  • Internet services
  • Athletic, testing and college admission fee waivers

AEBs must be processed by Dec. 15 to count toward school and district funding but can be filled out for individual and family benefits at any time, including if your household economic situation changes. Contact your school’s office for support or email