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Minneapolis Public Schools reaches a tentative agreement with Education Support Professionals

Minneapolis Public Schools reaches a tentative agreement with Education Support Professionals

Minneapolis Public Schools and the Minneapolis Federation of Teachers - Education Support Professionals (ESP) chapter have reached a tentative agreement today on a new, two-year contract. 

MPS Superintendent Dr. Lisa Sayles-Adams said, “Our education support professionals are essential and play an important role in our students' lives. I am excited that we have reached a tentative agreement and look forward to continued partnership with our ESPs as we work together to ensure that MPS is the district of choice for Minneapolis families.”

“I’m so proud of what we’ve done together,” said Catina Taylor, president of the ESP chapter. “We’re raising wages and we’re creating a compensation system that recognizes the value of experience in the district. This agreement will attract more educators to our schools and encourage our current staff to stay and keep building trusting relationships with our students. Agreements like this are how we keep Minneapolis students safe, learning and engaged.” 

Negotiators for the union and district reached the deal about noon Thursday after 27 hours of negotiations with a state mediator. Further details of the MPS/MFT tentative agreement will be shared on the MPS website once MFT ESP Chapter members vote to ratify the contract.