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Policies and Regulations


MPS policies are the laws that govern the school district. They are approved by the School Board in consultation with the Superintendent and the Board's Policy Committee, in accordance with Policy 8520: Policy Development


The Superintendent of Schools is charged with administering MPS policies. Regulations are the administrative procedures, processes, or rules that explain how the policy will be implemented or followed. Not all policies have regulations, but those that do will be identified with a corresponding letter after the policy number.

Policies and regulations are organized by chapters. Some chapters may have sub-chapters.

Board Policy Committee

The School Board's Policy Committee is established under Board Policy 8120. The role of the Committee is to:

  • Oversee the review of all policies adopted by the board
  • Review recommended board action on policies
  • Evaluate suggestions for board policy that come from board members and the public.
  • Establish priorities in policy review and adoption, in consultation with the Superintendent and the administration, and sets review goals and schedules.

Committee Members (2025)

  • Director Lori Norvell (Committee Chair)
  • Director Sharon El-Amin
  • Director Adriana Cerrillo
  • Director Kim Ellison
  • Director Collin Beachy

The Policy Committee is staffed by:

  • Jamie Jonassen, General Counsel
  • Ryan Strack, Assistant to the Superintendent and Board

Upcoming Committee Meetings

The policy committee typically meets on the fourth Tuesday of the month at 4:30pm. The committee does not meet in June, July, or December.

Policy and Regulation Links


If you questions about MPS policies or regulations, start by asking the school principal or applicable department leader. 

For questions about the policy development process or policy interpretation, contact:


We appreciate hearing your feedback about existing MPS policy or on something you'd like to see in a future policy. Contact your board member, a member of the policy committee, or the entire board with your thoughts. 

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