Superintendent Search
Dr. Lisa Sayles-Adams to Serve as the Next Minneapolis Public Schools Superintendent
“This is a full-circle moment for me,” said Sayles-Adams. “I began my career in education working as a teacher in North Minneapolis and that’s where I learned that strong schools make a strong community. I am honored and thank the School Board for their vote of confidence in my commitment to serve as the next superintendent of Minneapolis Public Schools. I look forward to partnering with teachers, students, staff and the community to make sure every student gets the high-quality education they deserve.”
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Dr. Sonia Stewart
Español | Soomaali | Hmoob
Dr. Sonia Stewart currently serves as the Deputy Superintendent for the Hamilton County Public Schools in Chattanooga, TN (44,000 students). In this role she supervises the School Leadership, Teaching and Learning, Opportunity and Access, and Social Emotional and Academic Development departments. She came to Hamilton County three and a half years ago as the Community Superintendent for the MidTown Learning Community.
Dr. Stewart’s career pathway includes 13 years of experience in the Nashville, TN public schools, working as:
Executive Officer of Organizational Development
Executive Principal at Pearl-Cohn High School
Freshman Academy Administrator, Glencliff High School
Math Teacher and Head Girls Basketball Coach
In addition, Dr. Stewart taught math in Los Angeles, California and was the Founder and Executive Director of The Oaks Community Development Corporation in Chicago where she built a broad network of parents, community leaders, and partner organizations in order to drive change for students and families in a targeted neighborhood focused on education and educational reform.
Dr. Stewart earned her Doctorate of Education in Education, Leadership, and Policy from Vanderbilt University. There, she earned the Dean’s Merit Scholarship Award and Wheeler prize. She also has a Masters of Education from Trevecca Nazarene University in Nashville, TN and a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics from Biola University in La Mirada, CA.
In her application letter, Dr. Stewart highlights her career accomplishments, as well as her personal investment and commitment to improving long-term learning outcomes for marginalized youth from a variety of cultural and socio-economic backgrounds. As Minneapolis superintendent, she would boldly pursue a strategic vision that fosters the growth and success of all children regardless of their background, zip code, and personal needs. In her roles with the Hamilton County Public Schools, Dr. Stewart led and contributed to efforts that resulted in a district composite level five growth score and increases in student achievement and exceeding state proficiency rates in all core content areas—literacy, math, science, and social studies.
Dr. Stewart believes that the MPS is uniquely positioned to build on its mission, vision, and commitment to provide high quality, culturally responsive education for its students. This work, however, cannot be done alone. Dr. Stewart believes that strong community partnerships are essential to student success. In Hamilton County, she points with pride to her efforts to ensure that 34,000 students received wrap-around services articulated in individualized student success plans.
Dr. Stewart has earned significant respect for her work. In his reference letter, her boss, Superintendent Dr. Justin Robertson wrote, “Dr. Stewart’s leadership qualities are unparalleled, making her the most exceptional educational leader I have encountered throughout my career.” The Hamilton County School Board Chair wrote in her reference letter that Dr. Stewart, “is truly a leader that has the ability to hear, see, learn and bring together multiple perspectives and educational needs for a community in a way that benefits all those around her.” Additionally, former HCS interim superintendent, Dr. Nakia Towns remarks, “Dr. Stewart is a leader among leaders and has become an ‘irreplaceable’ in HCS, institutionalizing legacy-building initiatives that will endure to serve students for decades to come.”
On a personal note, Dr. Stewart has been married to her husband Rayna for 28 years, and together they have four adult children. She enjoys reading, hiking, sports and traveling.
La Dra. Sonia Stewart actualmente se desempeña como Superintendente Delegada de las Escuelas Públicas del Condado de Hamilton en Chattanooga, TN (44,000 estudiantes). En este puesto, supervisa los departamentos de Liderazgo Escolar, Enseñanza y Aprendizaje, Oportunidades y Acceso, y Desarrollo Socioemocional y Académico. Llegó al Condado de Hamilton hace tres años y medio como Superintendente Comunitaria de la Comunidad de Aprendizaje de MidTown.
La trayectoria profesional de la Dra. Stewart incluye 13 años de experiencia en las escuelas públicas de Nashville, Tennessee, trabajando como:
Oficial Ejecutiva del Desarrollo Organizacional
Directora ejecutiva de la Escuela Secundaria Pearl-Cohn
Administrador de la Academia de Primer Año, Glencliff High School
Maestra de matemáticas y entrenadora principal de baloncesto femenino
Además, la Dra. Stewart enseñó matemáticas en Los Ángeles, California y fue fundadora y directora ejecutiva de The Oaks Community Development Corporation en Chicago, donde construyó una amplia red de padres, líderes comunitarios y organizaciones asociadas con el fin de impulsar el cambio para los estudiantes y las familias en un vecindario específico centrado en la educación y la reforma educativa.
La Dra. Stewart obtuvo su Doctorado en Educación, Liderazgo y Política de la Universidad de Vanderbilt. Allí, ganó el Premio de Beca al Mérito del Decano y el premio Wheeler. También tiene una Maestría en Educación de la Universidad Nazarena de Trevecca en Nashville, TN y una Licenciatura en Ciencias Matemáticas de la Universidad de Biola en La Mirada, CA.
En su carta de solicitud, la Dra. Stewart destaca sus logros profesionales, así como su dedicación personal y su compromiso para mejorar los resultados de aprendizaje a largo plazo de los jóvenes marginados de una variedad de orígenes culturales y socioeconómicos. Como superintendente de Minneapolis, perseguiría audazmente una visión estratégica que fomente el crecimiento y el éxito de todos los niños, independientemente de su origen, código postal y necesidades personales. En sus funciones en las Escuelas Públicas del Condado de Hamilton, la Dra. Stewart dirigió y contribuyó a los esfuerzos que dieron como resultado un puntaje de crecimiento compuesto de distrito de nivel cinco y aumentos en el rendimiento estudiantil superando las tasas de competencia estatal en todas las áreas de contenido básico: lectoescritura, matemáticas, ciencias y estudios sociales.
La Dra. Stewart cree que MPS se encuentra en una posición única para desarrollar su misión, visión y compromiso de proporcionar una educación de alta calidad y culturalmente receptiva para sus estudiantes. Este trabajo, sin embargo, no se puede hacer solo; la Dra. Stewart cree que las asociaciones comunitarias sólidas son esenciales para el éxito de los estudiantes. En el condado de Hamilton, señala con orgullo sus esfuerzos para garantizar que 34,000 estudiantes recibieran servicios integrales articulados en planes individualizados de éxito estudiantil.
La Dra. Stewart se ha ganado un gran respeto por su trabajo. En su carta de referencia, su jefe, el superintendente Dr. Justin Robertson, escribió: "Las cualidades de liderazgo de la Dra. Stewart son incomparables, lo que la convierte en la líder educativa más excepcional que he conocido a lo largo de mi carrera". La presidente de la Junta Directiva Escolar del Condado de Hamilton escribió en su carta de referencia que la Dra. Stewart "es verdaderamente una líder que tiene la capacidad de escuchar, ver, aprender y reunir múltiples perspectivas y necesidades educativas para una comunidad de una manera que beneficie a todos los que la rodean". Además, la anterior superintendente interina de HCS, Dra. Nakia Towns, comenta: "La Dra. Stewart es una líder entre los líderes y se ha convertido en una persona 'irremplazable' en HCS, institucionalizando iniciativas de construcción de legado que perdurarán para servir a los estudiantes en las próximas décadas".
En nota personal, la Dra. Stewart ha estado casada con su esposo Rayna durante 28 años, y juntos tienen cuatro hijos ya jóvenes. A ella le gusta leer, hacer senderismo, deporte y viajar.
Dr. Sonia Stewart waxay hadda u adeegtaa sidii Ku-xigeenka Kormeeraha Guud ee Hamilton County Public Schools ee Chattanooga, TN (44,000 arday). Doorkan waxay ku ilaalinaysaa Hoggaaminta Dugsiga, Waxbarashada iyo Barashada, Fursadaha iyo Helitaanka, iyo Waaxyaha Horumarinta Shucuurta Bulshada iyo Waxbarashada. Waxay timid Degmada Hamilton saddex sano iyo badh ka hor iyadoo ah Kormeeraha Bulshada ee Bulshada Waxbarasho ee MidTown.
Dr. Stewart's xirfadaheeda shaqo waxa ku jira 13 sano oo waayo-aragnimo ah ee dugsiyada dadweynaha ee Nashville, TN, oo u shaqaynaya sidii:
- Madaxa Fulinta ee Horumarinta Ururka
- Maamulaha Sare ee Dugsiga Sare ee Pearl-Cohn
- Freshman Academy Administrator, Glencliff High School
- Macalinka Xisaabta iyo Madaxa Gabdhaha Macalinka Kubadda Koleyga
Intaa waxaa dheer, Dr. Stewart waxay baray xisaabta Los Angeles, California waxayna ahayd Aasaasaha iyo Agaasimaha Fulinta ee Shirkadda Horumarinta Bulshada ee Oaks ee Chicago halkaas oo ay dhistay shabakad ballaadhan oo waalidiinta, hoggaamiyeyaasha bulshada, iyo ururada la-hawlgalayaasha si ay isbeddel ugu sameeyaan. ardayda iyo qoysaska ku nool xaafad la beegsaday oo diiradda saaraya waxbarashada iyo dib u habaynta waxbarashada.
Dr. Stewart waxa ay ku kasbatay Doctor of Education in Education, Leadership, and Policy University Vanderbilt. Halkaa, waxay ku kasbatay Abaalmarinta Dean's Merit Scholarship Award iyo abaalmarinta Wheeler. Waxay sidoo kale Master of Education ka haysataa Jaamacadda Trevecca Nazarene ee Nashville, TN iyo Bachelor of Science in Mathematics oo ay ka qaadatay Jaamacadda Biola ee La Mirada, CA.
Warqadeeda arjiga codsi, Dr. Stewart waxay ku nuuxnuuxsatay guulaha ay ka gaadhay shaqadeeda, iyo sidoo kale maalgashigeeda shakhsi ahaaneed iyo sida ay uga go'an tahay horumarinta natiijooyinka waxbarashada muddada-dheer ee dhalinyarada la haybsooco ee ka soo jeeda asal dhaqameed iyo dhaqan-dhaqaale oo kala duwan. Maamule Minneapolis ahaan, waxay si geesinimo leh u raadin doontaa aragti istiraatijiyadeed oo kobcisa korriinka iyo guusha dhammaan carruurta iyadoon loo eegayn asalkooda, zip code, iyo baahidooda shakhsi ahaaneed. Doorka ay ku leedahay Dugsiyada Dadweynaha ee Degmada Hamilton, Dr. Stewart waxay hogaamisay oo gacan ka gaysatay dadaallada keenay in degmada heerka shanaad ee korriinka ay korodho iyo korodhka guusha ardayda iyo kor u kaca heerarka aqoonta gobolka ee dhammaan qaybaha nuxurka-qoraalka, xisaabta, sayniska, iyo cilmiga bulshada.
Dr. Stewart waxa ay aaminsan tahay in MPS ay si gaar ah u taagan tahay si ay u dhisto himiladeeda, aragtideeda, iyo sida ay uga go'an tahay in ay siiso ardaydeeda waxbarasho tayo sare leh oo dhaqan ahaan ka jawaabaysa. Shaqadan, si kastaba ha ahaatee, lama samayn karo kaligiis. Dr. Stewart waxa ay aaminsantahay in iskaashi bulsho oo xoogan ay lama huraan u tahay guusha ardayga. Degmada Hamilton, waxay farta ku fiiqday iyadoo ku faanaysa dadaalka ay ku hubinayso in 34,000 oo arday ay heleen adeegyo isku xidhan oo lagu qeexo qorshayaasha guusha arday gaar ahaaneed.
Dr. Stewart waxay kasbatay ixtiraam weyn shaqadeeda. Warqadda tixraaca, madaxeeda, Kormeeraha Guud Dr. Justin Robertson wuxuu ku qoray, "Dr. Tayada hogaamineed ee Stewart waa mid aan la mid ahayn, taasoo ka dhigaysa hogaamiyihii waxbarashada ugu fiicnaa ee aan la kulmo intii aan ku guda jiray xirfadayda. " Gudoomiyaha Dugsiga Hamilton County waxay ku qortay warqadeeda tixraaca in Dr. Stewart, "Runtii uu yahay hogaamiye awood u leh inuu maqlo, arko, barto oo isu keeno aragtiyo badan iyo baahiyaha waxbarasho ee bulshada si ay uga faa'iidaystaan dhammaan dadka ku xeeran. iyada.” Intaa waxaa dheer, kormeerihii hore ee ku meel gaarka ah ee HCS, Dr. Nakia Towns hadallada, "Dr. Stewart waa hogaamiye ka mid ah hogaamiyayaasha wuxuuna noqday 'aan la bedeli karin' ee HCS, isagoo hay'adeynaya dadaallada dhisidda dhaxalka ee u adkeysan doona inay u adeegaan ardayda tobanaan sano ee soo socda."
Qoraal shakhsi ah, Dr. Stewart waxay guursatay ninkeeda Rayna muddo 28 sano ah, waxayna wadajir u leeyihiin afar carruur ah oo waaweyn. Waxay ku raaxaysataa akhriska, socodka, ciyaaraha iyo safarka.
Dr. Sonia Stewart tam sim no tab tom ua tus Deputy Superintendent rau Hamilton County Public Schools hauv Chattanooga, TN (44,000 menyuam). Nyob rau hauv txoj haujlwm no nws los tswj fwm txoj Tsev Kawm Ntawv Kev Coj, Kev Qhia thiab Kev Kawm, Opportunity and Access, thiab Social Emotional and Academic Development departments. Nws tau nyob rau ntawm Hamilton County muaj li peb xyoos thiab 6 hli uas yog ua ib tus Community Superintendent rau qhov MidTown Learning Community.
Dr. Stewart qhov kev paub thiab ua haujlwm nrog rau 13 xyoos ua hauv Nashville, TN public schools, uas yog ua:
- Tus Executive Officer of Organizational Development
- Executive Principal ntawm Pearl-Cohn High School
- Freshman Academy Administrator, Glencliff High School
- Math Teacher thiab tus Head Girls Basketball Coach
Tsis tas lis, Dr. Stewart tau qhia leb (math) nyob rua hauv Los Angeles, California thiab yog tus Founder and Executive Director ntawm lub Oaks Community Development Corporation hauv Chicago uas nws tau tsim ib pawg broad network of parents, lub zejzos ib cov thawj coj, thiab kev koom tes nrog cov koom txoos kom muaj kev hloov pauv rau cov menyuam thiab tsevneeg hauv lub zejzos kom muaj kev kawm thiab kev txhim kho kev kawm.
Dr. Stewart tau txais nws daim Doctorate of Education in Education, Leadership, thiab Policy los ntawm lub Vanderbilt University. Nyob rau ntawm, nws tau txais qhov Dean’s Merit Scholarship Award thiab Wheeler prize. Nws kuj tau txais nws daim Masters of Education los ntawm lub Trevecca Nazarene University hauv Nashville, TN thiab ib daim Bachelor of Science hauv kev qhia leb los ntawm Biola University hauv La Mirada, CA.
Nyob rau hauv nws daim ntawv application, Dr. Stewart hais qhov nws lub luag haujlwm kev ua tiav, thiab nws tus kheej kev mob siab thiab cog lus los tsim kho kom muaj kev kawm ntawv zoo rau yav tom ntej rau cov hluas uas muaj kab lis kev cai sib txawv thiab kev nyob noj tsis sib xws. Ua tus Minneapolis superintendent, nws xav los tawm ib lub tswv yim kev ua uas txhawb kev loj hlob thiab kawm tau ntawv zoo ntawm txhua tus menyuam tsis hais lawv tuaj qhov tuaj, nyob rau qhov twg, thiab lawv tus kheej cov kev xav tau. Hauv nws lub luag haujlwm nrog rau Hamilton County Public Schools, Dr. Stewart tau los coj thiab tawm cov kev pab uas ua rau lub district tau txais qhab nees kev loj hlob theem tsib thiab muaj qhov menyuam kev nce kawm tau ntawv zoo thiab tshaj li hauv lub xeev qhov kev kawm tau zoo hauv txhua yam kev kawm—literacy, math, science, thiab social studies.
Dr. Stewart ntseeg tias MPS yog nyob rau qhov chaw los tsim tau kom muaj lub homphiaj, zeem muag, thiab kev ruaj siab rau kev kawm zoo raws kab lis kev cai kom haum rau txhua tus menyuam. Cov haujlwm no, ib leeg xwb ua tsis tau. Dr. Stewart ntseeg tias lub zejzos kev sib koom tes yog ib qho tseem ceeb rau menyuam kev kawm tau zoo. Nyob rau hauv Hamilton County, nws qhia tau yam zoo siab heev tias qhov nws ua pab tau 34,000 tus menyuam tau txais kev pab zoo txhua yam hauv lawv tus kheej cov kev npaj kawm tau zoo.
Dr. Stewart tau txais kev qhuas zoo rau nws cov dej num. Nyob rau hauv nws daim ntawv qhia, nws tus nai, Superintendent Dr. Justin Robertson tau sau tias, “Dr. Stewart txoj kev coj zoo heev, ua rau nws yog ib tus thawj coj uas kuv tsis tau pom dua hauv kuv txoj kev huajlwm.” Hamilton County School Board Chair tau sau nyob rau hauv nws daim ntawv qhia tias Dr. Stewart, “yog ib tus thawj coj uas muaj peev xwm los hnov, los pom, los kawm thiab los coj tau sawv daws ua ke ntawm ntau yam kev xav thiab yam kev kawm xav tau rau lub zejzos hauv ib txoj kev uas muaj txiaj ntsig rau txhua tus nyob ntawm nws ib ncig.” Tsis tas li, tus HCS interim superintendent, Dr. Nakia Towns hais tias, “Dr. Stewart yog ib tus thawj coj ntawm ib tsoom coj thiab tau yog ib tus uas ‘yeej hloov tsis tau’ hauv HCS, cov keeb kwm kev kawm tau tsim muaj qhov ua tau siab ntev los pab cov menyuam rau kaum tawm xyoo yuav los tom ntej no.”
Ntawm nws tus kheej, Dr. Stewart yuav nws tus txiv Rayna tau 28 xyoo, thiab nkawv muaj plaub tus menyuam loj tas lawm. Nws nyiam nyeem ntawv, nyiam ua si taug kev tom hav zoov, kev kis las thiab ncig teb chaws.
Dr. Lisa Sayles-Adams
Español | Soomaali | Hmoob
Dr. Lisa Sayles-Adams boasts a distinguished career in educational leadership spanning over two decades. Beginning in Minneapolis Public Schools from 1996 to 2004, she held various roles, including teacher and coordinator, ultimately becoming the principal at the City Alternative High School. Her journey continued in Clayton County Schools in Georgia (52,000 students), where she served as the principal for a high school and two elementary schools from 2004 to 2012.
Returning to Minnesota in 2012, she contributed significantly to the St. Paul School District (37,000 students) until 2019, holding roles such as middle school and elementary school principal, and later ascending to Assistant Superintendent for five years. In 2019, she took on the role of Assistant Superintendent in ISD 622 before assuming the prestigious position of Superintendent at Eastern Carver County Schools in 2020, overseeing a district of 9,600 students.
Dr. Sayles-Adams' academic background further solidifies her commitment to excellence. In 2022, she earned her Educational Doctorate in Education Leadership from Minnesota State University, Mankato. She also holds Pre-school through 12th-grade Administrative Licensure from St. Mary's University (2003), a Master's degree in Curriculum and Instruction from the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis (2002), and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science from the University of Minnesota (1992).
Widely regarded by colleagues as an exemplary leader, Dr. Sayles-Adams is praised by Dr. Theresa Battle for her embodiment of a servant leader, emphasizing her commitment to academic excellence, cooperation, cultural awareness, and diversity. Additionally, Dr. David D. Thompson lauds her as an action-oriented educational leader, highlighting her expertise in innovative programming and organizational structures, impacting student outcomes positively.
La Dra. Lisa Sayles-Adams cuenta con una distinguida carrera en liderazgo educativo que abarca más de dos décadas. Comenzando en las Escuelas Públicas de Minneapolis de 1996 a 2004, ocupando varios roles que incluyen el de maestra y coordinadora, y finalmente convirtiéndose en directora de City Alternative High School (Escuela Secundaria Alternativa de la Ciudad). Su trayectoria continuó en las Escuelas del Condado de Clayton en Georgia (52,000 estudiantes), donde se desempeñó como directora de una escuela secundaria y dos escuelas primarias de 2004 a 2012.
Al regresar a Minnesota en 2012, contribuyó significativamente al Distrito Escolar de St. Paul (37,000 estudiantes) hasta 2019, ocupando cargos como directora de escuela intermedia y primaria, y luego ascendió a superintendente asistente durante cinco años. En 2019, asumió el cargo de Superintendente Asistente en ISD 622 antes de asumir el prestigioso cargo de Superintendente en las Escuelas del Este del Condado de Carver en 2020, supervisando un distrito de 9,600 estudiantes.
La formación académica de la Dra. Sayles-Adams solidifica aún más su compromiso con la excelencia. En 2022, obtuvo su Doctorado en Liderazgo Educativo de la Universidad Estatal de Minnesota, Mankato. También tiene una Licencia Administrativa de Preescolar a 12º grado de la Universidad de St. Mary's (2003), una Maestría en Currículo e Instrucción de la Universidad de Minnesota, Minneapolis (2002) y una Licenciatura en Ciencias Políticas de la Universidad de Minnesota (1992).
Ampliamente considerada por sus colegas como una líder ejemplar, la Dra. Sayles-Adams es elogiada por la Dra. Theresa Battle por su encarnación de una líder de servicio, enfatizando su compromiso con la excelencia académica, la cooperación, la conciencia cultural y la diversidad. Además, el Dr. David D. Thompson la elogia como una líder educativa orientada a la acción, destacando su experiencia en programación innovadora y estructuras organizativas, lo que impacta positivamente en el desempeño de los estudiantes.
Dr. Lisa Sayles-Adams waxa ay ku faantaa xirfad sare oo xagga hogaaminta waxbarashada ah muddo labaatan sano ah. Laga bilaabo 1996 ilaa 2004, waxay qabatay doorar kala duwan, oo ay ku jiraan macalinka iyo isuduwaha, ugu dambeyntiina waxay noqotay maamulaha Dugsiga Sare ee Alternative High City. Socdaalkeedu wuxuu ku sii socday Dugsiyada Degmada Clayton ee Georgia (52,000 arday), halkaas oo ay u adeegtay maamule dugsi sare iyo laba dugsi hoose min 2004 ilaa 2012.
Ku soo laabashada Minnesota 2012, waxay si weyn wax ugu biirisay Dugsiga Degmada St. Paul (37,000 arday) ilaa 2019, iyada oo haysa doorar ay ka mid yihiin dugsiga dhexe iyo maamulaha dugsiga hoose, ka dibna waxay u kacday Kaaliyaha Kormeeraha guud shan sano. 2019, waxay qaadatay doorka Kaaliyaha Kormeeraha Guud ee ISD 622 ka hor intaysan qaadan jagada sharafta leh ee Kormeeraha Guud ee Dugsiyada Bariga Carver ee 2020, iyada oo kormeeraysa degmo ka kooban 9,600 arday.
Dr. Sayles-Adams taariikhdeeda tacliimeed waxay sii xoojinaysaa sida ay uga go'an tahay heer sare. Sannadkii 2022, waxay ka heshay Doctorate-keeda Waxbarasho ee Hogaaminta Waxbarashada Jaamacadda Gobolka Minnesota, Mankato. Waxa kale oo ay haysataa shatiga maamulka ee dugsiga ka hor ilaa fasalka 12aad ee St. Mary's University (2003), shahaadada Masterka ee Manhajka iyo waxbarida ee Jaamacadda Minnesota, Minneapolis (2002), iyo shahaadada Bachelor of Arts ee Sayniska Siyaasadda Jaamacadda Minnesota (1992).
Si ballaadhan oo ay asxaabtiisu ugu tixgaliyaan hoggaamiye ku dayasho leh, Dr. Sayles-Adams waxa ku ammaanay Dr. Theresa Battle qaabkeeda hoggaamiye adeege, iyada oo xoogga saaraysa sida ay uga go'an tahay heerka sare ee tacliinta, iskaashiga, wacyiga dhaqanka, iyo kala duwanaanta. Intaa waxa dheer, Dr. David D. Thompson waxa uu ku amaanayaa in ay tahay hogaamiye waxbarasho ku jihaysan, iyada oo iftiiminaysa khibradeeda ku wajahan barnaamijyada hal-abuurka leh iyo qaab-dhismeedka ururka, iyada oo saamaynaysa natiijada ardayda si togan.
Dr. Lisa Sayles-Adams tau hais yam zoo saib txog ib lub luag haujlwm kawm ntawv kev coj hauv nees nkaum lub xyoo tas los. Pib hauv Minneapolis Public Schools thaum 1996 txog 2004, nws tau ua ntau txoj haujlwm, nrog rau ua ib tus xibfwb thiab coordinator, tau los ua ib tus principal ntawm lub City Alternative High School. Nws tau mus ua huajlwm rau hauv Clayton County Schools hauv Georgia (52,000 tus menyuam), uas nws tau yog tus principal rau ib lub high school thiab ob lub elementary tsev kawm ntawv pib 2004 txog 2012.
Rov qab los rau hauv lub xeev Minnesota thaum xyoo 2012, nws tau los ua haujlwm rau hauv St. Paul School District (37,000 tus menyuam) txog rau 2019, tau los ua ib tus principal rau ib lub middle school thiab elementary school, thiab tsis ntev tau nce mus ua tus Assistant Superintendent tau tsib xyoos. Hauv xyoo 2019, nws tau txais txoj haujlwm ua ib tus Assistant Superintendent hauv ISD 622 ua ntej los ua txoj haujlwm Superintendent ntawm Eastern Carver County Schools hauv xyoo 2020, los saib xyuas ib lub district uas muaj 9,600 tus menyuam.
Dr. Sayles-Adams kev kawm yam tas los yog muaj kev ruaj khov rau nws kev cog lus ntawm txoj kev kawm zoo. Hauv xyoo 2022, nws tau txais nws daim Educational Doctorate hauv Education Leadership los ntawm Minnesota State University, Mankato. Nws kuj muaj nws daim ntawv raug cai qhia Pre-school txog rau qib 12th los ntawm St. Mary's University (2003), daim Master's degree hauv Curriculum and Instruction los ntawm University of Minnesota, Minneapolis (2002), thiab ib daim Bachelor of Arts degree hauv Political Science los ntawm University of Minnesota (1992).
Muaj kev fwm zoo los ntawm cov neeg nrog ua haujlwm li ib tus thawj coj zoo heev, Dr. Sayles-Adams tau raug qhuas los ntawm Dr. Theresa Battle rau nws kev sawv ua ib tus thawj coj, rau nws kev mob siab ntawm kev kawm ntawv zoo, kev sib koom tes, kev paub txog kab lis kev cai, thiab pab pawb neeg. Tsis tas li, Dr. David D. Thompson qhuas nws tias yog ib tus thawj coj nqis tes txhawb txoj kev kawm, piav txog nws kev txawj hauv kev nthuav qhia tshiab thiab cov txheej txheem kev sib koom, pab menyuam kom muaj kev kawm tau zoo.
Updated 11.21.2023. Subject to change
Phase 1 – Specifications
June – August 2023
- Recruitment begins per Board direction in Fall, 2023
- Consultants met with Board June 6, BWP meet with EPU Consultants and interviewed Board members
- August 8-Community input received on Draft Leadership Profile and Leadership Profile approved by Board
August 29 Board meeting
- Announcement and Advertising plan presented for approval
- Revised search calendar presented for approval
- Resolution to establish a Superintendent Search Task Force adopted
- Framework and Confidentiality Agreement established for Superintendent Search Task Force
September 2023
Kick off Superintendent Search Recruitment and Selection Process September 5
Phase 2 – Advertise and Recruit
September – November 5
- Advertise and Recruit
Phase 3 and 4 – Assessment and Selection
November 5, 2023
- Applications due to consultants
November 14 – 20 window
Nov. 13 - (Special meeting) Superintendent Search Task Force Training
Consultants provide Interview Protocol Training and present 4-7 recommended candidates
Task Force organizes interview details and candidate questions and decides if interviews are ZOOM or in person
Develop interview schedule for BWP to contact candidates – (Nov. 15 and 16)
Task Force decides 2-3 candidates to move forward to the Board and participate in Day in the District 2-3 Finalists for Day in the District
November 27 (Dr. Sonia Stewart)
Finalist "Day in the District"
Community meet and greet events (3:30pm-4:30pm and 5:00pm-6:00pm)
School Board interview (6:30pm-8:30pm)
November 29 (Dr. Lisa Sayles-Adams)
Finalist "Day in the District"
Community meet and greet events (3:30pm-4:30pm and 5:00pm-6:00pm)
School Board interview (6:30pm-8:30pm)
December 1
Special Board meeting to select and name new superintendent
Board negotiates candidate contract and votes to approve contract
July 1, 2024
New Superintendent reports to work on or before July 1, 2024
Search Task Force
The Minneapolis Board of Education (School Board) has created a Superintendent Search Task Force (Task Force), charged with interviewing up to seven qualified applicants for the superintendent of schools position and recommending two to three finalist candidates for interview by the School Board.
There will be 17 members on the Task Force, including three school board members. The Task Force will be chaired by School Board Director Lori Norvell and be supported by the contracted executive search firm, BWP & Associates. Task Force members are considered volunteers and expected to follow all applicable MPS policies and regulations. Members are appointed in accordance with Board Resolution 2023-0058.
Time Commitment
Task Force members must attend all training, interviews, and meetings in their entirety. Food will be provided for meetings lasting four hours or more, and child care and interpretation, as needed, will be available upon request. Substitutes will be provided for MPS teachers who need them.
Confidentiality and Public Data Notice
Names and information about applicants are confidential and Task Force members will be required to sign a confidentiality agreement to participate. At no time during or after the work of the Task Force may members discuss anything about applicants with anyone except other members of the Task Force. Any violation of the confidentiality agreement will result in immediate removal from the Task Force and MPS employees appointed to the Task Force may be subject to disciplinary action, including termination from their MPS employment. The confidentiality agreement can be viewed here.
Task Force member names and other basic information provided to the appointing authority during the appointment process may be considered public data in accordance with Minnesota Statutes Section 13.601.
Membership Roster
The Minneapolis Board of Education (School Board) is pleased to announce the membership of its Superintendent Search Task Force, listed below. Task Force members, who were appointed in accordance with Board Resolution 2023-0058, will interview superintendent applicants during the week of November 13 and will recommend two to three finalists to be interviewed by the School Board.
As representatives of the Minneapolis community, the Task Force is entrusted with the unique and important responsibility of assisting the School Board with one of its most critical functions—selecting a superintendent to lead the school district. The Task Force, which is comprised of students, community members, teachers, educational support professionals, principals, and school board members, demonstrates the School Board’s commitment to community engagement and constituent voice.
To ensure confidentiality in accordance with state law and the expectations communicated to potential superintendent applicants, Task Force members will sign a confidentiality agreement and will not be able to discuss their work outside of the Task Force. The School Board respectfully requests that people do not contact the Task Force members as they will not be able to provide information about the process or candidates.
Task Force Role/MPS Affiliation |
Appointed by |
Task Force Member |
Educational Support Professional (ESP) |
Minneapolis Federation of Teachers (MFT), ESP Chapter |
Brenda Johnson |
Student Representatives |
Wyhett Ugaas |
Teacher |
MFT, Teacher Chapter |
Mathew Collier |
Teacher |
Student Representatives |
Kaytie Kamphoff |
Principal |
Minneapolis Principal Forum |
Matthew Arnold |
Principal |
Student Representatives |
Mauri Friestleben |
Student |
Student Representatives |
Drew Wesson |
Community Member |
Director Joyner Emerick |
Titilayo Bediako |
Community Member |
Director Sharon El-Amin |
Nekima Levy Armstrong |
Community Member |
Director Kim Ellison |
Patricia Torres Ray |
Community Member |
Director Collin Beachy |
Francisco Segovia |
Community Member |
Director Faheema Feerayarre |
Abdirahman Mukhtar |
Community Member |
Director Ira Jourdain |
Lucie Skjefte |
Board Student Representative |
School Board |
Abdihafid Mohamed |
School Board Director |
School Board |
Director Abdul Abdi |
School Board Director |
School Board |
Director Adriana Cerrillo |
School Board Director |
School Board |
Director Lori Norvell |
Special Meeting Videos
English | Español | Soomaali | Hmoob
11/29/2023 (Dr. Lisa Sayles-Adams interview):
English | Español | Soomaali | Hmoob
11/27/2023 (Dr. Sonia Stewart interview):
English | Español | Soomaali | Hmoob
English | Español | Soomaali | Hmoob
English | Español | Soomaali | Hmoob
English | Español | Soomaali | Hmoob
English | Español | Soomaali | Hmoob
English | Español | Soomaali | Hmoob
English | Español | Soomaali | Hmoob
Resources and Links
Finalist Interview Presentations:
Dr. Sonia Stewart | Dr. Lisa Sayles-Adams
Finalist Schedule Flyers (Español | Soomaali | Hmoob)
Superintendent Search Task Force Confidentiality Agreement
Resolution - Establishing Superintendent Task Force 2023
Superintendent Leadership Profile 2023
August 29, 2023 Special Business Meeting
June 6, 2023 Special Meeting - Superintendent Search
May 16, 2023 Special Meeting - Superintendent Search
Signed Contract with BWP & Associates for Executive Search Services
Community Engagement Report from EPU Consultants
January 17, 2023 Special Meeting - Superintendent Search
Superintendent Search Process Update Presentation - January 2023
November 1, 2022 Special Meeting - Superintendent Search
Signed Contract with EPU Consultants for Community Engagement Services
Council of Great City Schools Superintendent Search Process Handout
Council of Great City Schools Superintendent Salary Comparison
Superintendent Search Process Discussion Presentation - November 2022
Leadership Profile
At its meeting on Tuesday, August 8, 2023, the Board approved the superintendent leadership profile.
- Visionary Instructional Leader
- Effective Communicator
- Collaborative Manager
- Leadership Attributes and Personal Qualities
Visionary Instructional Leader
- Possesses a strong instructional background, with documented success in improving student achievement and reducing or eliminating achievement gaps.
- Is a student-centered leader who ensures schools are safe places for learning, with clear plans to provide equitable access to mental health resources and services.
- Commits to addressing individual student needs and maintaining high-performance expectations.
- Has a firm grasp of how students learn, ensuring that every school in the MPS system offers programs that students can access to meet their diverse needs.
Effective Communicator
- Ensures people feel valued, heard, and respected through strong communication and listening skills.
- Collaborates with stakeholders to identify and address barriers and inequities that impact students' opportunities.
- Builds authentic relationships with students, parents, teachers, administrators, union representatives, and community members through thoughtful communication, engagement, and actions.
- Serves as MPS leading advocate for education at the district, city, and state levels.
Collaborative Manager
- Analyzes and then addresses demographic and attendance changes impacting the MPS schools and works with the community to develop plans to address student enrollment, facilities, and financial issues.
- Is politically savvy with the experience and skills to navigate the political landscape and build strong partnerships with government officials, school employees, and community organizations to create renewed trust.
- Has fiscal and operational expertise to lead a system that efficiently and effectively assigns fiscal and human resources to priority initiatives, such as implementing the strategic plan and enrollment challenges.
- Implements programs to retain talented staff and attract others who reflect the students served and embrace the MPS' values and beliefs.
- Is a decisive leader who uses a participatory process with integrity to solve complex issues and, when needed, make difficult decisions that are in the best interests of students.
Leadership Attributes and Personal Qualities
- Fosters unity within the MPS community and serves as a healing presence.
- Maintains a visible and active presence in the community, engaging with stakeholders and seeking their input.
- Values the community's role in decision-making and respects their perspectives, always remembering MPS are the community's schools.
- Remains connected and engaged with staff to understand the administrative and teaching challenges affecting student learning.
- Champions diversity, equity, and inclusion, addressing inequities and racism in policies programs, services, facilities, and curriculum.
- Builds strong teams, acts with integrity, and relentlessly advocates for diversity, inclusion, and equity throughout the MPS organization.