School Board
Upcoming Board Meetings
About the School Board
Board Members
Term: 2023-2027
District 5
Term: 2023-2027
District 1
Term: 2025-2029
District 2
Term: Nov. 2024-2027
District 3
Term: 2025-2029
District 4
Term: 2025-2029
District 6
Student Representative
Term: Feb. 2025-Dec. 2025
Student Representative
Term: Feb. 2025-Dec. 2025
To email the elected members of the School Board and board staff, send an email to:
Individual Board Member Email Addresses
NOTE: Individuals who write or email the school board should be aware that their correspondence may be considered public data under the MN Government Data Practices Act.
Individual board member phone numbers:
Board Member | Phone |
Collin Beachy | 612.668.0447 |
Kim Ellison | 612.668.0445 |
Lori Norvell | 612.919.8136 |
Abdul Abdi | 612.895.0270 |
Sharon El-Amin | 612.986.3281 |
Lucie Skjefte | 612.418.3657 |
Adriana Cerrillo | 612.986.1613 |
Greta Callahan | 612.668.0049 |
Joyner Emerick | 612.472.6074 |
Board Staff
To more properly serve the students and community, the Board of Education is permitted to designate committees to conduct preparatory work on matters that will be considered by the Board of Education as a whole. Each Committee is comprised of members of the Minneapolis Public Schools Board of Education and District Staff.
Committee Members
- Abdul Abdi, Chair
- Luice Skjefte
- Greta Callahan
- Joyner Emerick
- Collin Beachy
Committee Staff
- Ibrahima Diop, Senior Finance Officer
Purpose of the Finance Committee
- Identify the Information the Board needs to Receive on a Regular Basis Concerning the Budgeted vs. Actual Financial Data of the District
- Define and Monitor the Board's Role and Decision Calendar for the Board Discussions on the District's Budget and the Role of the Citizens
- Oversee Preparation of the Annual Budget and Quarterly Financial Statements
- Support Staff in Addressing Issues Raised by the Annual Audit
The Board Treasurer serves as Chair and the Senior Finance Officer staffs the Finance Committee.
Committee Members
- Lori Norvell, Chair
- Sharon El-Amin
- Adriana Cerrillo
- Kim Ellison
- Collin Beachy
Committee Staff
- Jamie Jonassen, General Counsel
- Ryan Strack, Assistant to the Superintendent and School Board
Board Policy 8120 Establishes The Board Standing Committee on Policies
Role of the Policy Committee
- Oversee the review of all policies adopted by the board
- Review recommended board action on those policies not specifically in the purview of another Board Standing Committee.
- Evaluate suggestions for board policy that come from board members and the public. It may recommend development of policies for adoption.
- Establish priorities in policy review and adoption, in consultation with the Superintendent and the administration, and sets review goals and schedules.
Superintendent Evaluation
Committee Members
- Abdul Abdi
- Sharon El-Amin
- Lori Norvell
- Joyner Emerick
- Collin Beachy
The Board of Education has sole responsibility for evaluating the Superintendent. See Board Policy 2075
Purpose of the Superintendent Evaluation Committee
The Superintendent Evaluation Committee will meet when necessary to develop the tools by which the Superintendent will be evaluated. They do not do the Superintendent Evaluation as that is conducted by the entire board.
Board Meetings
Meeting Information
Meeting Types
Regular business meetings
- Normal business
- Standing agenda structure
- Public comment taken
- Annual schedule adopted and posted
Discussion meetings
- Currently named “Committee for Whole”
- No action taken
Special meetings
- Could be business or discussion
- Called by Chair or Clerk, or by three directors
- Must abide by notice requirements (generally three days)
- Must stick to noticed topics, except as unanimously agreed
- The Board shall hold periodic retreats to deliberate and consider issues related to the internal development of the board, to plan for future meetings and to consider different scenarios and options at the early stage of planning and policy discussions. No votes and no official action will be taken at retreats.
Emergency meetings
- In the event that circumstances, as determined by the judgment of the Board, require a meeting for immediate consideration of an issue, a special meeting may be called on an emergency basis.
- Difference from special meetings is shorter notice length
Closed meetings
- As allowed by MN Open Meeting Law
- Very narrow scope
- Must be recorded (except portions covered by Attorney-Client Privilege)
Meeting Accommodations
Language interpretation is available in Spanish, Somali, and Hmong at every regular business and regular committee of the whole meeting. If you need language support in another language, including American Sign Language, or any other accommodations, please send an email to 72 hours in advance of the meeting.
Live Streaming & Video Archive
Public Comment
Public comments are accepted at the monthly Regular Business Meeting. The next opportunity to provide public comment is at the February 11, 2025 meeting.
Public Comment
The School Board will hear up to twenty-five (25) public comments at monthly regular business meetings. Fifteen (15) slots will be available by pre-registration beginning four (4) days prior to the meeting and ten (10) slots will be reserved for in-person sign up 5:15pm on the day of the meeting.
Public Comment Information and Guidelines:
- Register here to provide a public comment. Registration will open at noon four (4) days prior (typically Friday) to the meeting (typically Tuesday).
- By registering and providing a comment, you agree to all public comment guidelines and you understand that your comment and information you provide in the registration form may be considered public data under the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act.
- The Board Chair has full discretion over the public comment period and guidelines.
- If you have signed up to provide public comment in-person, your name will be called to approach the podium.
- Each commenter will have up to two (2) minutes to provide their comment.
- Public commenters should state their name, relationship to MPS, and the topic on which they are commenting.
- Public comments are an opportunity for the Board to hear feedback and input. Board members will not respond to comments or questions.
- Comments must not reference identifiable information about employees or students and must not use profanity, insults, or threats.
Email the Board
As always, feedback can also be emailed to the entire Board by sending an email to:
Comentarios del Público
La Junta Directiva Escolar escuchará hasta veinticinco (25) comentarios del público en las reuniones mensuales regulares de negocios. Quince (15) espacios estarán disponibles mediante la preinscripción comenzando cuatro (4) días antes de la reunión, y diez (10) espacios se reservarán para la inscripción en persona a las 5:15 pm el día de la reunión.
Descargo de Responsabilidad de la Ley de Prácticas de Datos del Gobierno de Minnesota
Los comentarios proporcionados por correo de voz se consideran datos públicos bajo la Ley de Prácticas de Datos del Gobierno de MN.
Información y Directrices para los Comentarios del Público:
- Regístrese aquí para hacer un comentario público. - La inscripción se abrirá al mediodía, cuatro (4) días antes (usualmente el viernes) de la reunión (usualmente el martes).
- Al registrarse y proporcionar un comentario, usted acepta todas las directrices para los comentarios públicos, y entiende que su comentario y la información que proporcione en el formulario de registro pueden ser considerados datos públicos bajo la Ley de Prácticas de Datos del Gobierno de Minnesota.
- El Presidente de la Junta tiene plena discreción sobre el periodo de comentarios públicos y las directrices.
- Si se ha inscrito para hacer comentarios públicos en persona, se le llamará para que se acerque al estrado.
- Cada comentarista tendrá un máximo de dos (2) minutos para hacer su comentario.
- Los comentaristas públicos deben indicar su nombre, su relación con MPS y el tema sobre el que están comentando.
- Los comentarios del público son una oportunidad para que la Junta Directiva escuche los comentarios y las aportaciones. Los miembros de la Junta Directiva no responderán a los comentarios ni a las preguntas.
- Los comentarios no deben hacer referencia a información identificable sobre los empleados o los estudiantes, y no deben utilizar blasfemias, insultos o amenazas
Envíe un correo electrónico a la Junta Directiva
Como siempre, los comentarios también pueden ser enviados por correo electrónico a toda la Junta Directiva:
Faallooyinka Dadweynaha
Guddiga Dugsigu wuxuu maqli doonaa oo la soo hordhigi doonaa ilaa shan iyo labaatan (25) faallooyin dadweyne shirarka ganacsiga caadiga ah ee billaha ah. Shan iyo toban (15) boosas ayaa diyaar noqon doona is-diiwaangelin hore oo bilaabanaysa afar (4) maalmood ka hor kulanka iyo toban (10) boosas ayaa loo hayn doonaa isdiiwaangelinta qof ahaaneed 5:15 galabnimo maalinta kulanka
Macluumaadka Faallooyinka Dadweynaha iyo Tilmaamaha:
- Halkan iska diwaangeli si aad u bixiso faallada dadweynaha. Isdiiwaangelintu waxay furmi doontaa duhurnimada afar (4) maalmood ka hor (caadi ahaan Jimcaha) kulanka (sida caadiga ah Talaadada).
- Markaad isdiiwaan geliso oo aad bixineyso faallo, waxaad ogolaatay dhammaan tilmaamaha ra'yiga dadweynaha waxaadna fahantay in faallooyinkaaga iyo macluumaadka aad ku bixiso foomka diiwaangelinta loo qaadan karo xogta dadweynaha ee hoos timaada Xeerka Dhaqanka Xogta ee Dawladda Minnesota.
- Guddoomiyaha guddidu waxa uu leeyahay go'aan buuxa oo ku aaddan xilliga faallooyinka dadweynaha iyo hab-raacyada.
- Haddii aad isu diiwaangelisay inaad si shakhsi ah u bixiso faallooyinka dadweynaha, magacaaga waxaa loogu yeeri doonaa inuu u dhawaado masraxa.
- Faallo-bixiye kastaa wuxuu haystaa ilaa laba (2) daqiiqo si uu faallooyinkiisa ugu bixiyo.
- Faalleeyayaasha dadwaynuhu waa inay sheegaan magacooda, xidhiidhka MPS, iyo mawduuca ay ka faaloonayaan.
- Faallooyinka dadweynuhu waxay fursad u yihiin Guddigu inay ku maqlaan jawaab-celin iyo talo-bixin. Xubnaha guddiga kama jawaabi doonaan faallooyinka ama su'aalaha.
- Faallooyinka waa inaysan tixraacin macluumaadka la aqoonsan karo ee ku saabsan shaqaalaha ama ardayda waana inaysan isticmaalin cay, aflagaado, ama hanjabaad.
U dir guddiga Email
Had iyo jeer, ra'yi celinta gudiga ayaa sidoo kale laguugu soo diri karaa emaylka adigoo gujinaya halkan.
Pej Xeem Kev Hais Lus
Pawg School Board yuav hnov tau txog rau nees nkaum tsib (25) qhov kev tuaj hais lus ntawm txhua lub hlis hauv cov rooj sibtham. Kaum tsib (15) qhov chaw yuav muaj rau cov xub tuaj sau npe ua ntej pib 4 hnub ua ntej muaj lub rooj sibtham thiab kaum (10) qho chaw yuav tseg rau cov neeg tuaj koom sau npe thaum 5:15pm nyob rau hnub muaj kev sibtham.
Pej Xeem Kev Qhia Txog Qhov Tuaj Hais Lus thiab Cov Cai:
- Sau npe ntawm no txog qhov tuaj hais lus. Kev sau npe yuav qib thaum 12 pm plaub (4) hnub ua ntej (yog Friday) txog rau thaum muaj lub rooj sibtham (yog Tuesday).
- Kev sau npe thiab tuaj hais lus, koj pom zoo raws li cov cai kev tuaj hais lus thiab koj nkag siab tias koj cov lus hais thiab yam xav tuaj hais uas tau muab sau tso tseg rau haus daim ntawv sau npe yog ib cov uas txhua tus neeg saib thiab pom tau (public data) raws li hauv Minnesota Government Data Practices Act.
- Tus Board Chair muaj txoj cai txhua yam txog lub caij kev tuaj hais lus thiab cov kev cai.
- Yog thaum tuaj txog koj tau sau npe xav hais lus, lawv yuav hu koj los tim lub podium hais lus.
- Txhua tus neeg hais lus yuav muaj sijhawm txog li ob (2) feeb los hais.
- Cov neeg hais lus yuav tsum qhia lawv cov npe, kev muaj nrog rau MPS, thiab lub ntsiab lus lawv xav tuaj hais txog.
- Kev tuaj hais lus yog ib lub caij nyoog rau pawg Board los hnov kev tawm suab thiab tswv yim. Cov Board yuav tsis teb txog cov lus hais lossis lus nug.
- Cov lus coj tuaj hais yuav tsum hais tsis tau txog cov neeg ua haujlwm lossis ib tus menyuam twg thiab yuav tsum siv tsis tau cov lus hais dag, thuam lossis tso hem thawj.
Xa email rau cov Board
Li txhua zaug, kev tawm suab yeej xa tau mus rau cov Board txhua tus los nias qhov no
Full Calendar
Official Notices
Filter Notices
- All
- 2022
- 2023
- 2024
- 2025
- Board Training and Retreat
- Cancelled
- Closed
- Committee of the Whole
- Election
- Emergency Meeting
- Executive Session
- Finance Committee
- Open
- Policy Committee
- Regular Business
- Special Committee of the Whole
- Special Finance Committee
- Special Meeting
- Superintendent Evaluation Committee
- Superintendent Search
- Truth-in-Taxation
Learn More
- Overview
- 2024 Election Results
- Resources
- Election District Maps
- Campaign Finance Reports
- Interested in running for school board?
The Minneapolis School Board is made up of nine elected directors. Three are citywide and six from geographic districts, shared by the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board. Election districts are different from school boundaries.
Members are elected to four-year overlapping terms, with elections held every two years. At the end of a four-year term, members may run for re-election to successive terms. Voting takes place at general elections in November, and terms begin the first Monday in January thereafter. If a vacancy occurs in the middle of a term, the School Board names an appointee to serve until the next district election.
MPS contracts with the City of Minneapolis Elections and Voter Services Office to manage and run school board and referendum elections, including candidate filing and campaign finance reports. For more information, please visit
2024 Election Results
School Board Member At Large (SSD #1)
Shayla Owodunni | 68,818 | 41.47% |
Kim Ellison (elected) | 95,794 | 57.73% |
WRITE-IN | 1,327 | 0.80% |
School Board Member District 2 (SSD #1)
Sharon El-Amin (elected) | 15,788 | 97.52% |
WRITE-IN | 401 | 2.48% |
School Board Member District 4 (SSD #1)
Adriana Cerrillo (elected) | 23,670 | 98.24% |
WRITE-IN | 424 | 1.76% |
School Board Member District 6 (SSD #1)
Lara Bergman | 14,022 | 37.41% |
Greta Callahan (elected) | 23,266 | 62.08% |
WRITE-IN | 190 | 0.51% |
Election District Maps
Campaign Finance Reports
Interested in running for school board?
The filing period for the 2024 election (districts 2, 4, and 6 and one at-large seat are on the ballot), has closed.
- City of Minneapolis Elections website for updates about filing to run for school board
- Minnesota School Boards Association (MSBA) Running for School Board Information
- View an MPS slideshow on school board elections and the recording from a candidate information session (both resources from 2022 election)
Contact Ryan Strack ( / 612-668-0098) with questions about MPS elections.
School Board News
Contact Us
To email the elected members of the School Board and board staff, send an email to
To better assist you, please indicate your neighborhood or school if you are a Minneapolis resident, MPS employee, or part of a MPS school community.