What is the Strategic Plan?
The Strategic Plan is MPS’ path to achieving 4 main goals between the fall of 2022 and the spring of 2027. You can think of the Strategic Plan as the lesson plan for the entire district.
For each of the four goals, MPS determined 4-5 strategies to implement – 19 strategies total.
To keep MPS' work focused, every school year MPS prioritizes and dedicates more resources to 5 of the 19 strategies.
4-5 appointed MPS staff members report progress on their assigned prioritized strategy in the quarterly Committee of the Whole School Board meetings.
For the most recent progress reports for each goal click "See Our Progress" for each goal below.
Find MPS students' universal screening data (FastBridge) for Fall 2024 under Goal 1 - Academic Achievement.
MPS' Strategic Goals
Goal 1
Academic Achievement
Goal 2
Goal 3
Goal 4
MPS' Mission, Vision, Commitment and Values
Minneapolis Public Schools exists to provide a high quality, anti-racist, culturally responsive education for every Minneapolis student.
To achieve our vision, we will intentionally focus and prioritize resources and actions to significantly improve the experiences and outcomes of Black students, Indigenous students, students of color and their families.
All students - regardless of their background, zip code, and personal needs - will receive an anti-racist, holistic education that builds essential knowledge to prepare students for future success.
- Equity, Representation & Anti-Racism
- Physical and Emotional Safety & Wellbeing
- Relationships, Trust & Communication
- Shared Decision-Making & Voice
- Transparency & Accountability
- Evidence-Based Strategies