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inspirational quote

MPS is known by our community as welcoming, responsive, and connected

Goal Strategies

  1. Fully implement the climate framework to ensure all district staff, parents, and students feel heard, valued and respected. 
  2. Utilize district equity competencies to inform district hiring and retention practices, professional development opportunities, and professional support systems.  
  3. Provide consistent opportunities for youth, parents and community members to provide feedback on district policies and practices. 
  4. Ensure student placement practices support integrated learning opportunities, and increased enrollment and retention 
  5. Support community partnerships to enhance student experiences and learning opportunities.

*The bolded strategies have been prioritized by the MPS School Board. While the district is working on implementing all of the strategies, a select few have been deemed a priority. These prioritized strategies will be highlighted during School Board meetings and the Strategic Plan team will provide more frequent progress updates during the course of the Strategic Plan.

graph of goal 3 metrics


End of School Year 2023-2024 Updates

Prioritized Strategy Progress Update