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Every student’s physical and mental well-being is addressed as an integral part of their education.

Goal Strategies

  1. Provide equitable student access to culturally responsive counseling and mental health services.
  2. Fully implement a restorative approach to student support.
  3. Integrate social and emotional practices into all classrooms and Out of School Time activities
  4. Provide physically safe and welcoming school environments through strategic shortening of walk zones, building cleanliness, building improvements, landcare and strong emergency management practices.
  5. Support healthy child development through nutritious meals and promotion of physical activity.

*The bolded strategies have been prioritized by the MPS School Board. While the district is working on implementing all of the strategies, a select few have been deemed a priority. These prioritized strategies will be highlighted during School Board meetings and the Strategic Plan team will provide more frequent progress updates during the course of the Strategic Plan.

table with goal 2 metrics


End of School Year 2023-2024 Updates

Prioritized Strategy Progress Update