1. Why is the district-wide curriculum adoption process required in MPS?
A well-vetted curriculum is a tool used in strong core instruction. A district-wide curriculum also promotes strong alignment across all schools as well as a foundation of standards-based instruction.
2. Who determines when curriculum is reviewed and starts the curriculum adoption process?
The curriculum adoption process may be initiated based on the district developed curriculum adoption cycle or changes in state standards, graduation requirements, instructional need, technology changes, and/or other precipitating factors. Ideally, the district-wide curriculum adoption process would align to the academic standard review cycle driven by Minnesota statute.
3. How does MPS fund a curriculum adoption process?
MPS sets aside an allocation each year to support the upcoming district-wide curriculum adoption process. Therefore, an allocation is budgeted each year as part of the budget-tie-out process so no other program or school budget is impacted during a district-wide curriculum adoption process.
4. How can I give input during the process?
There are specific times when MPS will be asking for stakeholder feedback through in-person sessions, focus groups and surveys. MPS Communications will send out information through a variety of ways. These could include but not limited to robo calls, letters home, social media and school newsletters. Building principals will have updated information to share with their school community.
5. How do I know the process and final selection includes culturally relevant practices and decision-making?
During Phase 2, after pilots have been completed, an Equity Diversity Impact Consideration will be completed on the process and the piloted curriculum. If there is evidence of lack of cultural relevancy, Chief Academic Officer, Chief of Accountability with the Superintendent will review and decide next steps.
6. How will we know the curriculum is effective?
Each year, for three years, an evaluation of curriculum implementation will occur in accordance to a timeline and benchmarks established upon adoption. Curriculum is part of strong core instruction and must support instruction and assessment. Upon the fourth year of implementation, a final evaluation will be conducted on the overall implementation and impact. This evaluation will be presented to the Superintendent and the Board of Education.