What is Early Intervention?
Early Intervention (EI) is a Minneapolis Public Schools program for families with children ages birth through three years old. Early Intervention provides support and instruction for young children with delays in their development or with a disability.
What is Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE)?
Early Childhood Special Education serves students from birth to kindergarten identified as having a Developmental Delay (DD) or other disability.
When should a child be referred to Early Intervention or ECSE?
A referral should be made to the school district in which you reside if there are concerns about a child’s development and you think a child might need extra help to learn and grow. Refer can be made with Help Me Grow. Minneapolis residents can contact MPS directly or through Help Me Grow.
How are Early Intervention services provided?
Children and their families can receive services in their home, childcare setting, or in their local school early childhood programs.
How are Early Childhood Special Education services provided?
ECSE services are offered in the community, homes, childcare sites, and schools throughout the district.
What is the cost of Early Intervention/ECSE services?
If your child is eligible for services these services are free regardless of income or immigration status.
Who makes up the Early Intervention team?
Parents, caregivers, and community teachers are essential members of the team and can also include an early intervention teacher, speech/language therapist, physical therapist, occupational therapist, school psychologist, and/or a school social worker.
Who makes up the Early Childhood Special Education team?
Parents, caregivers, and community teachers. The role of an ECSE teacher is to provide support and ongoing collaboration so that a child can be successful.