In this section you will find important documents and information related to the Special Education Department within Minneapolis Public Schools
- Extended School Year (ESY)
- Frequently Used Special Education Acronyms
- MPS Restrictive Procedures Plan
- MPS Special Education Resource Guide (English) (Spanish) (Somali) (Hmong)
- Total Special Education System (TSES)
- Understanding Education Terminology
External Links
The following links will take you to a website outside of the MPS system.
Special Education Terminology
- ABS - Academic and Behavioral Strategist
- ADA - Americans with Disabilities Act
- ASD - Autism Spectrum Disorder
- ASL - American Sign Language
- AT - Assistive Technology
- BIP - Behavior Intervention Plan
- BVI - Blind-Visually Impaired
- CM - Case Manager
- CST - Child Study Team
- D/APE - Developmental Adapted Physical Education
- DB-Deaf-Blind
- DCD-MM - Developmental Cognitive Disability Mild to Moderate
- DCD-SP - Developmental Cognitive Disability Severe/Profound
- DD - Developmental Delay
- DHH - Deaf and Hard of Hearing
- EBD - Emotional Behavioral Disorders
- ECSE - Early Childhood Special Education
- EIP - Early Intervention Program
- EL - English Learner
- ESY - Extended School Year
- FAPE - Free Appropriate Public Education
- FBA - Functional Behavioral Assessment
- Federal Setting - % of time student spends in Special Education
- I = 0-21%
- II = 21-60%
- III = 60% or more
- IV = separate special education site (50% or more of the day)
- V = hospital, day treatment, or facility
- IDEA = Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
- IEP - Individualized Education Program
- IHP - Individualized Healthcare Plan
- IFSP - Individual Family Service Plan
- LEA - Local Education Agency
- LEP - Limited English Proficiency
- LRE - Least Restrictive Environment
- MTSS - Multi-Tiered System of Support
- OT - Occupational Therapist
- PCA - Personal Care Assistant
- PI - Physically Impaired
- PT - Physical Therapy
- SEA - Special Education Assistant
- SEAC - Special Education Advisory Council
- SLD - Special Learning Disability
- SLP - Speech-Language Pathologist
- SMI - Severe Multiple Impairment
- TBI - Traumatic Brain Injury
- TSES - Total Special Education System