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Work-based Learning

Work-Based Learning (WBL) is a Career and Technical Education (CTE) program that guides high school students in the career development process.

Students in the program participate in a course where they develop career readiness skills, explore career options and develop a career plan. Students develop a connection between school and work through classroom instruction, projects and work experiences. Students are paired with an internship or job in the community where they work toward their career goals while earning credit toward their diploma.

Post Program Pathways

After high school a student may decide to continue their education with MPS by attending Transition Plus Services to work on unmet IEP goals. Transition Plus provides educational services for students ages 18-22 with differing abilities and assets. The focus is on meeting transition needs in post-secondary education and training, employment, and independent living to promote a successful transition from high school to adult life. 

Learn more about Transition Plus

Work-based Learning Courses

Special education students may take one or more of these elective courses related to the work-based learning program. However, successful completion of Investigating Careers is a prerequisite to an internship or work experience. Learn more about each course and its prerequisites below.

Course at a Glance: Investigating Careers - 99201

Course at a Glance: Comm Based Career Internship - 07241

Course at a Glance: Career Work Experience - 99205


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Comm Based Career Internship Opportunities