Before- and After-school Programs and Childcare
Welcome to the Area Learning Center. We hope you will use this site to explore additional education programs offered at Minneapolis Public Schools. The Area Learning Center offers a variety of learning opportunities through our Extended Day Programs, Winter Break Academy, Spring Break Academy, Summer Scholars Academy and Homeschooling.
Our primary goal is to help our students increase academic growth, recover credits, and explore career options that will lead to graduation and a brighter future beyond. We believe in your child.
Community Based Organizations
Minneapolis Public Schools works with several Community Based Organizations (CBOs) to provide after school and summer school academic programs. CBOs or parents provide transportation for students from their day school (if off-site) to the program location and then home. MPS provides food services. Organizations offer culturally relevant, engaging classes in reading and/or math together with social and emotional learning experiences .
ACES: NE College Prep and Hiawatha College Prep
WE WIN @Jerry Gamble
East Side Neighborhood Services: Mulberry, Luxton Learners, Venture Academy
1250 W. Broadway
Minneapolis, MN 55411
Fax: 612-668-5335
In accordance with state law, Minneapolis Public Schools is required to ensure that all school-age children between the ages of 7 and 17 who live within the district's boundaries are being educated. Learn more about MPS homeschooling here.