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Call for Art

MPS Students Go Everywhere! Calling all MPS Artists

Grades Pre-K–12 

MPS Safe Routes to School is making a poster that represents our city and we need drawings by MPS students to make it beautiful, relevant, and inspiring!  

Artist Worksheet - English   Spanish   Hmong   Somali

Classroom Resource - slide deck with instructions/examples to show students


Think of a place:  

  • Think about your neighborhood – where do you like to go, especially by walking, biking, or rolling? What makes your neighborhood special? What is a hidden (or not-so-hidden) special spot in your neighborhood? What is a spot that you, your friends or family love to go together?
  • You can also think about all of Minneapolis and your favorite places to go in the whole city.  
  • We also need drawings of trees, flowers, animals, etc.  – other things you enjoy seeing when you are walking or rolling in your neighborhood.  
  • You are the expert here – you know best where you like to go and what you like to see.  

Once you have thought of your place – draw it.  

  • You can draw a symbol to represent the place (like a basketball for your favorite basketball court) or you can draw the place itself (draw a basketball court).
  • One place per drawing, please. You can submit as many drawings as you like.  
  • Draw in black and white. You can use pencil, black pen, black markers, or even black paint – whatever you like  
  • See worksheet– you can make your drawing on this worksheet (EnglishSpanishHmongSomali) fill in the information and submit.
  • You can also use your own white paper – just try to make your drawing 5”X7” or larger and include this information: artist name, school, name of place, where place is found, and an adult contact.  

Submit your drawing by April 30:  

  • By email: send to  
  • By intra district MPS mail: Jenny Bordon, Nutrition Center
  • By US mail: Jenny Bordon; 812 Plymouth Avenue North; Minneapolis, MN 55411  
  • By google form: Upload electronic submission 

Additional Background  

The City of Minneapolis is updating their Walking Routes for Youth map. This map shows walking (and biking) routes to all the schools in Minneapolis (libraries and parks too). This project will create the “back” side of the map – a beautiful poster inspires us to use active transportation and that reflects the talents and vision of MPS students. Minneapolis Public Schools plans to print this map to share with schools and families next school year. The dream is they will hang in schools, community sites, homes, and classrooms.  By submitting artwork, you give MPS permission to use it on the map. Artwork will not be returned.

For more information, contact Jenny Bordon,, 612-668-2827