The Student Accounting Office produces a number of standard district-wide and school level reports. Below are listed the types of reports that are available.
District Period Enrollment Reports
This series of reports show a snapshop of the distric-wide enrollment data that is taken on the first valid school day of the indicated month.
District Free and Reduced Lunch Program Reports
This report is produced in the Fall of each academic school year and it serves as a poverty-indicator by highlighting the district-wide count of students who qualify as eligible for free and reduced lunch meals and is based on both the school sites attended and also on aggregate district data.
District Class Size Reports
This report is procuded in the Fall of each academic school year to detail class size K-5.
Student Racial / Ethnic Demographics Reports
This report is produced in the Fall of each academic school year and represents the official district-wide demographics of the student racial/ethnic count.
Student English Learners Served by Major Language Reports
This report is produced in the Fall of each academic school year.
Where Students Live Reports
This report is produced in the Fall of each academic school year and is an Enrollment-based report that provides data on the city of Minneapolis residential areas being represented by the total number of students that are currently attending MPS; by the attendance-area in which they live; and also by the school sites and programs in which these students are currently enrolled.
Student Stability Reports
This report gives statistics on how many students are Enrolled for a complete school year and how many new students enroll during the school year.
MPS Street and Avenue Guide
The purpose of this report is to serve as a look-up Guide for School Site Attendance areas -- as determined by a Minneapolis address.
Links to Related Sites & Reports
-- Summer Withdrawal K-8 (2016)
-- MN Department of Education
-- US Department of Education