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MPS Academy (MPS-A)

MPS Academy (MPS-A) is a professional educator preparation and licensure program that aims to develop the next generation of effective, equitable, resilient and diverse teachers.

The vision of MPS-A is to create an accelerated pathway to teaching for the high-quality MPS employees in the district.

The ABS Licensure Pathway Program is a job-embedded preparation program that offers the opportunity for participants to work on a Tier 2 teaching license for one year to obtain their Special Education ABS License, which is the highest-need licensure area in MPS.

Contact Information

Titi Tran
Program Administrator

MPS MPS-A Information Session Presentation, Tuesday November 3rd @ 4:30PM to 5:30PM (Google Meet)
Information Session Presentation Slides

Complete an inquiry form

MPS-A Program Information