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Family Tech Support

Applications for Families/Caregivers

Parent Portal

The Parent Portal gives students and families access to class schedules, attendance, grades, test results, transcripts, and teacher contact information.

Student Portal Icon

Get written instructions on how to set up your Parent Portal account and how to use the Parent Portal. 



Here Comes The Bus

Here Comes The Bus is an easy-to-use website and app that allows parents/guardians to see the real-time location of their child’s school bus on a smartphone, tablet, or personal computer

here comes the bus logo


Talking Points

Talking points is an app used by both teachers and families. It automatically translates messages from English to families' home languages. Families can use standard text messages or the talking points app to respond to messages from teachers.

talking points icon


Here’s how TalkingPoints works. You will receive the message through SMS text or a parent app. You can reply back through either method. You can also reply with an emoji. 😊 Please give it a try!

  • TalkingPoints is free! There’s no charge if you have an unlimited texting plan. If not, standard text messaging fees apply.

  • You can unsubscribe at any time by texting GOODBYE.

  • You can also join my class by downloading the TalkingPoints for Parents Mobile App in the app store on iPhone or Android!

My Conference Time

My Conference Time is an online tool to easily book a family-teacher conference with your student's teacher(s). 

my conference time-logo


What You Need to Know About Student Devices

To create equitable access to technology MPS provides each student with a device. These devices are MPS property.

Student Device Page

Sign Your Student's Technology Pledge

To receive an MPS iPad or Chromebook students must:

  1. Print & read the Student Device Handbook.
  2. Sign the attached MPS Technology Use Pledge on the last page
  3. Turn in the signed MPS Technology Use Pledge to your school.
icon of universal access to technology handbook

If You Use a Personal Device...

Learn how to log in with the MPS account.

icon with written instructions




If You Want to Support Your Students Online...

Check out these resources. 

globe website icon




Got questions about your specific device? Please contact your school for answers. 

Student Device Return and Summer Care

Students keep their devices over the summer if they...

  • return to MPS in the fall.
  • attend summer school (even if they don't return to MPS in the fall). 
  • are graduating seniors who attend summer school. 


Students return their devices if they...

  • don't attend summer school and don't return to MPS in the fall. 
  • are graduating seniors and don't attend summer school. 
image of summary for device summer care instructions for students




Student eLearning Resources

Students can continue to learn throughout the summer by participating in various enrichment activities.

For your convenience, we’ve gathered a list of independent activities children can complete on their own. Each list is grouped by age.

To learn about in-person summer activities, visit the MPS website.

Online Enrichment Grades PreK-2


Online Enrichment Grades 3-5


Online Enrichment Grades 6-8


Online Enrichment Grades 9-12




Getting Connected at Home

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