MPS Operations provides the physical environment, utilities and support services necessary to promote the educational activities of Minneapolis Public Schools.
To ensure quality service to the MPS community, MPS Operations provides strong coordination and communications between multi-functional groups and the MPS community.
Operations Departments
- Capital Planning, Construction & Maintenance
- Culinary & Wellness Services
- Transportation
- Environmental Health & Safety
- Information Technology Services
Capital Planning, Construction & Maintenance
To help ensure students are in safe and welcoming learning environments, Capital Planning, Construction & Maintenance oversees 75 buildings (64 schools and 11 administrative sites) and 436 gross square acers of building area. These facilities, including buildings and land, must also go through periodic renovations to ensure modernization keeps pace with the evolving learning needs of students.
When looking at how best to improve its facilities with limited resources, MPS considers a school community’s educational needs, health, safety, operations, environment, and the maintenance of existing assets that support student development.
Facility projects fall under two broad categories:
Visit our Capital Planning, Construction & Maintenance website for more information on how MPS guides projects from concept to construction, overall Capital Plan Budget, and a list of current and planned capital improvement projects.
Capital Planning, Construction & Maintenance includes the following departments:
Plant Maintenance
The Plant Maintenance Department is a service organization that is dedicated to providing and maintaining a safe and healthy learning environment that contributes to student achievement.
Plant Maintenance is responsible for maintaining the interior and exterior of school buildings and all fixed equipment through preventive maintenance and repairs. We perform repairs of equipment and also equipment replacement. A work order system is used to help identify equipment repairs that is needed. We also plan for replacement of critical assets. Plant Maintenance is funded using the bond program.
Plant Maintenance contains the following skilled trades in the department:
- Electrical (line voltage)
- Electrical (low voltage)
- Paint
- Fire Protection
- Sheet Metal and Roofing
- Plumbing
- Pipe Fitting
- Carpentry, Glazing, and Locksmith
Policies related to Plant Maintenance
- Policy 3520 A Energy Conservation Standards: The purpose of this regulation is to establish the energy conservation standards which will be used in District facilities.
- Policy 3520 Energy Use: The purpose of this policy is to establish the District's values regarding use of energy and conservation efforts.
- Policy 3517 A Stewardship of District Buildings and Grounds: The purpose of this regulation is to ensure that work or projects that are proposed by any District site shall be coordinated and implemented through the Director of Planning & Facilities.
Plant Operations
Plant Operations professional custodial staff provide a clean, healthy, safe and attractive environment for MPS students, staff and visitors of Minneapolis Public Schools.
Plant Operations consists of 263 custodians assigned to the schools, and each school has a lead custodian responisible for overall building cleaniness. We have three quality supervisors to review building cleaniness standards and ensure the standards are being met.
We are also responsible for grounds and snow removal. Grounds maintain fields, large grass areas, and general tree trimming. Snow removal is conducted by Grounds and outside vendors.
Going Green
We strive to lower our carbon footprint by using green cleaning products for general daily cleaning. We provide environmentally friendly products such as green hand soap and 100% recycled paper toweling. Each year we recycle upwards of 250 tons. This equates to approximately 4250 trees and the energy equal to 25,000 gallons of gasoline!
Real Estate
The Real Estate office coordinates all non-district building use; this includes access agreements, shared use agreements, license agreements and leases, other than facility permits.
Learn More
- MPS Buildings
- Surplus Properties
- Sale-Buying-Leasing Surplus Property
- Community Use of School District Facilities
- Contact
MPS Buildings
Surplus Properties
Minneapolis Public Schools is soliciting proposals and promoting reuse opportunities for its surplus properties so that they once again serve as valuable assets for the Minneapolis community.
How does MPS Identify & Recommend Property as Surplus?
Availability of “swing space” for emergencies or to accommodate construction delays in active schools
Land and its potential future uses
Storage/warehousing needs of the district
Building condition and cost to reopen as a school or administrative space
Sale-Buying-Leasing Surplus Property
Intended use does not hinder MPS mission, goals, or operations.
An achievable and sustainable plan to execute proposed use exists, including sufficient funding committed to ensure a certificate of occupancy can be granted, if applicable.
Evidence of community support for intended use.
Intended use presents no obvious liability or expense for the district. Surplus facilities will be offered on an ‘as-is’ basis and no district investment will be provided.
Intended use would meet all city and other jurisdictional zoning and other requirements.
Support from the School Board Director who represents the geographic location of the real property or from at least one at-large School Board Director.
Priorities for an offer to be considered:
- Intended use will contribute to MPS mission, goals, or operation.
- Agreement includes a District right of first refusal and/or right to pre-approve a secondary sale or lease.
- Intended use will provide direct services or supports for MPS students.
- Intended use will create affordable housing and/or address homelessness.
- Intended use will meet the goals of the City of Minneapolis Comprehensive Plan.
- Interested party is a public entity.
- Interested parties ensure the proposed use of the surplus property aligns with the requirements and priorities that are listed.
- Currently available surplus properties for sale or lease: Gordon School, Tuttle School, and Willard School.
- Complete the Surplus Property Interest form. Information including name and affiliated organization will be shared publicly of all interested parties seeking the sale or lease of a surplus MPS property.
- Letter of Intent
- Purchase Offer
- MPS will contract with a commercial real estate broker to solicit additional offers for a reasonable time period
- School Board may meet in closed session to consider offers and/or develop counteroffers
- School Board will vote at a public school board meeting, with public comment, to approver or deny the lease or sale
Community Use of School District Facilities
It is the policy of MPS to encourage the use of school buildings and grounds by community residents and organizations. Sharing the physical resources of the district provides meeting space, recreational space, civic space and builds community.
Reserve a Facility
Scroll to Facilites Reservations at the bottom of the page