Capital Projects
Below is a summary of MPS capital improvement projects. Projects range from major capital improvements such as new builds to major renovations, minor renovations and remodels. These projects usually also include smaller projects such as security updates, landscaping, systems updates, equipment and furniture.
Please note: These pages are updated continually and the absence of a site name does not necessarily mean capital improvements are not planned for other buildings.
Current Projects
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►Improvements at Andersen are proposed within a 5-Year plan. Work will be completed as funding is approved for each phase.
►The project includes replacement of skylights damaged by hail in 2023. The skylights will be replaced with other transparent solutions to allow natural light into the school. The project will also include replacement of electrical components for building reliability.
►Safe and Welcoming Entrance project also includes improvements to the parking lot. Including repaving and adding trees and landscaping.
►Updates relating to playgrounds
►Repair of remaining roof areas.
►A new CTE center will be constructed on the south side of Edison High School in the former shops’ areas. The project includes a new agriculture area and new classrooms and office areas to support CTE at Edison. Additional improvements are being made to support the DCD program including updated classrooms and bathroom facilities.
More about this project coming soon
►Running track restriping and adding fencing for better control of spectators and athletes.
►Lunchroom improvements will be completed including interior finishes and improvements to the dining experience for students. The Ella Baker playground will be constructed after further engagement with staff, students and the public. New sprinklers will be installed.
►Renovations at Ella Baker will include improvements to the auditorium space, science labs, and some additional minor work. The auditorium will receive some new finishes, updates to the audio/visual systems, and new lighting. Science labs will be renovated to meet the new District middle school science lab guidelines.
►Updates relating to playgrounds
►Elevator improvements to increase reliability and upgrades to cab finishes.
►Roof repair on mezzanine.
►Multi site fire sprinkler system replacements project for Hale, Northrop and Windom Elementary School.
►Franklin Middle School is scheduled to receive updates to their sound and light systems in the Auditorium.
Small addition and enhancement of the Laura Ingalls Wilder Complex to accommodate new safe & welcoming entrance on SW corner of building at Door #1. This project also includes the filling of the exterior sunken courtyard to help make a safer and accessible entrance for all students and visitors to any of the 9 programs at the Wilder Complex.
►Replacement to fire sprinklers, alarms and controls.
►Updates relating to playgrounds
►Update relating to playgrounds
►A new safe and welcoming entrance project to bring the school to current best practice for safety and visitor management. The entrance will include safety features, upgraded intercom and visitor check in station.
►Updates relating to playgrounds
►Window replacement and masonry repairs to upgrade the building envelope.
►Safe and Welcoming Entrance, HVAC upgrade, All lights to LED, replacement of PA System, Clock system and Fire alarm system.
►Renovation and New North Career & Technical Education (CTE) Center.
►Solar Garden Install
►Continued improvements to North High School including classroom renovations and new cooling systems.
►Updates relating to playgrounds
►Updates relating to playgrounds
►LED Lighting, Lighting Control, and Ceiling Improvements.
►Select flooring replacements.
►Updates relating to playgrounds
►LED Lighting, Lighting Control, and Ceiling Improvements.
►Renovations to the construction lab, small engines and auto shops’ areas. A temporary entrance and office area will be developed. The CTE center is a multi-year renovation project to transform the east portion of Roosevelt into a CTE hub.
►A new safe and welcoming entrance that includes new administrative offices and upgraded entrance features for safety and visitor controls.
►Roof repairs over the gym area.
►Upgrade fire sprinkler system in the MPS Transportation Bus Garage.
►Bleacher repairs for the stadium to provide stiffening plates to limit movement of the bleachers during events.
More about this project coming soon
►Fire pump and controls replacements.