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Anwatin Storm Water Pond


Bryn Mawr and Anwatin Middle School is scheduled to undergo a significant renovation and is outlined below.  

256 Upton Ave. S

Scope of Work

MPS and our community partners have been collaborating with Lupe Development who is building 199 units of senior living housing on the abandoned property just south of Anwatin School.

Lupe has requested installing a drainage pond on the SW corner of MPS property, whereas 75% of the pond will be on MPS property and 25% on Lupe Development Property.

The SW Corner of the Property is connected to Theodore Wirth Park, and access to the park is actively used by the Bryn Mawr Community & Loppet Ski Club.

In exchange for use of MPS property, Lupe Development will pay for 100% of the cost to install the storm water pond, including fencing, walking trail around the pond, perennial plantings, an education platform, and natural play area for students.

All maintenance inside of the fence area will be the responsibility of Lupe Development, including the fence itself. All maintenance outside of the fence area will be the responsibility of MPS Including the Natural Play Area.

Community Support of this project includes:

  • Bryn Mawr Neighborhood Association
  • Theodore Wirth Park
  • Loppet Ski Foundation
  • City of Minneapolis
  • Watershed District

A Community Meeting was held on December 15th 2021. Design input for “Natural Play Area” will be solicited from staff, parents, and students.

Project Updates

March: Grand Opening Celebration planned for April 30, 2024 at 3:30pm


January: Plantings and landscaping around pond area will be completed in the Spring 2024.

December 2023: Natural Play area is complete and temporary fencing around play area and pond area will be removed soon. Plantings and landscaping around pond area will be completed in the Spring 2024.

November 2023: The stormwater pond is 99% complete and operating properly as designed by BKBM in conjunction with the Basset Creek Watershed District and City of Minneapolis Engineering Department.

The stormwater pond is designed to a finite capacity, and then has two stages of overflow.

Once capacity is reached, the forebay discharges to the Pond, and then the Pond discharges to swales between Anwatin school and Minneapolis Park Board property.

It is important to note that the rain shed of the original area has not changed, meaning all the water from the school property, the old AT&T site area, and the eastern grasslands between the SFH to the east and MPS property line have ALWAYS drained to Anwatin pond. 

Although the rain shed area has not changed, significant infiltration of the rain shed has been added when the stormwater pond was constructed. 

Topography or elevations of the school property were not changed, other than the storm water pond, which was constructed 11-14 feet deeper from original conditions, and into which flow control devices were installed to help slow the rate of drainage and permit infiltration that previously did not occur.

Most of the TWRP/MPRB lands north of the pond and east of Butler Wildflower Garden have always drained to Anwatin Pond, and still do.  No changes were made there.

Drainage from MPS property, and the adjoining properties, are now much more likely to be infiltrated at the pond, instead of just flowing overland to Anwatin Pond.

The link below has access to the construction camera that is on the school roof.  Feel free to share with your staff and families.


July 2023: We are excited to let the community know that the new teaching platform above the new stormwater pond is almost complete.  Students will be able to learn and play on the new natural gym area next to the pond. 

May 2023: Work on the new storm water pond has resumed and will continue over the summer. When completed in Fall of 2023, students will have a new outdoor learning center and natural paly area.

April 2023: Work will begin again in late April / early May. Framing for Boardwalk area above pond will be started early May. Kompan Nature Play equipment installation scheduled for August. Goal is for work to be complete, including all pond landscaping, fencing, and, retaining wall by Labor Day weekend.

Contact Us

Ann Cerney, Project Manager

Phone: 612-685-3048




Project Schedule*

Storm water Pond: Spring 2021 start

Natural Play Area: Summer 2021 start

Construction Start: June 29, 2022

Completion: August 1, 2023

Project Photos and Resources

Anwatin Stormwater Pond