Anwatin Storm Water Pond
Bryn Mawr and Anwatin Middle School is scheduled to undergo a significant renovation and is outlined below.
Scope of Work
MPS and our community partners have been collaborating with Lupe Development who is building 199 units of senior living housing on the abandoned property just south of Anwatin School.
Lupe has requested installing a drainage pond on the SW corner of MPS property, whereas 75% of the pond will be on MPS property and 25% on Lupe Development Property.
The SW Corner of the Property is connected to Theodore Wirth Park, and access to the park is actively used by the Bryn Mawr Community & Loppet Ski Club.
In exchange for use of MPS property, Lupe Development will pay for 100% of the cost to install the storm water pond, including fencing, walking trail around the pond, perennial plantings, an education platform, and natural play area for students.
All maintenance inside of the fence area will be the responsibility of Lupe Development, including the fence itself. All maintenance outside of the fence area will be the responsibility of MPS Including the Natural Play Area.
Community Support of this project includes:
- Bryn Mawr Neighborhood Association
- Theodore Wirth Park
- Loppet Ski Foundation
- City of Minneapolis
- Watershed District
A Community Meeting was held on December 15th 2021. Design input for “Natural Play Area” will be solicited from staff, parents, and students.
Project Schedule*
Storm water Pond: Spring 2021 start
Natural Play Area: Summer 2021 start
Construction Start: June 29, 2022
Completion: August 1, 2023