Rain Gardens – Chapter 54 Compliance
Scope of Work: MPS District is required to provide the necessary inspections, reporting, maintenance and compliance services for the 32 storm water sites across the district in order to be in compliance with the City of Minneapolis Chapter 54 requirements.
Here is a link to the ordinance: Chapter 54 Ordinance
These sites include not only rain garden areas, but also underground infiltration systems, permeated parking lots, athletic field channel drains, dry ponds, etc. and also snow-removal staff being trained in “Smart Salting” through the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency.
Compliance with the City of Minneapolis Chapter 54 requirements includes inspection and maintenance visits as needed (typically late summer, fall, spring, and early summer for raingardens), drain cleanouts, debris removal, parking lot sweeping as needed, vacuum underground infiltration systems as needed, cleaning athletic field channel drains as needed, manhole maintenance, etc.
MPS works with a consultant to help us maintain Chapter 54 compliance with each site. The consultant is hired through an RFP process working with MPS Procurement department. Our current consultant is Metro Blooms.
MPS includes Chapter 54 compliance costs in the annual budget, which is approximately $125,000 per year for all 32 sites.
In return for the 32 sites being “fully compliant” with the City of Minneapolis’ strict requirements, MPS receives storm water credits on the water utility bills. These credits vary per site.
If the sites are inspected by the City of Minneapolis and found “out-of-compliance”, MPS could get fined by the City of Minneapolis, plus its expensive and time consuming to get the sites back into compliance.
Maintaining integrity to the design of the system is critical.
All entry into the garden areas should be limited.
If student enter the garden areas, they should always be accompanied by staff to monitor students staying on the path and not pulling out plants or disturbing plants about to shed their seeds.