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Data, Evaluation & Research Requests

MPS Data Available

MPS Public Data Dashboard

The data visualization portal is for viewing interactive graphs and charts regarding individual schools and the district as a whole. Visualizations are organized by topic, and all (except for the school climate survey) can be broken down by student group to see how MPS is serving our diverse population. Student grouping options include ethnicity, special education status, English learner status, and more. If you have any questions about the data shown here, please contact our data visualization team at

Type of data available in the MPS Public Data Dashboard:

  • Behavior and disciplinary data, with a focus on suspensions and disproportionality (by student ethnicity, special education status, and more).
  • Graduation rates, by school and student demographic category.
  • Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment (MCA) proficiency and growth levels.

MPS Reports & Data

The Student Accounting Office produces a number of publicly available, standard district-wide and school level reports.

Tableau: MPS Dashboard

This website shows interactive graphs and charts about our schools and the district as a whole. Visualizations are organized by topic, and all (except for the school climate survey) can be broken down by by student group to see how we are serving our diverse population.

MN Department of Education Report Card

This tool is designed to provide parents, educators, schools, districts and citizens with easy access to district and school information, test results, demographic information and other critical data in a centralized location.

REA manages data requests connected to approved outside research projects. To learn more about the outside research request process please visit the External Research and Evaluation Request website. For any other data requests, please visit Government Data Requests.

Minneapolis Public Schools (MPS) partners with universities, foundations, research institutions, the State of Minnesota, and the U.S. Department of Education, to discover practices in education that advance student achievement. Data, evaluation and research requests, however, are secondary to our goal of educating our students, and is a privilege reserved for proposals that:

  1. Support the support four key priorities (literacy, equity, social emotional learning and student support systems),
  2. Avoid duplication of effort, and
  3. Do not interfere with instruction or the efficient operation of MPS or its schools.

The process for requesting data, performing research or evaluations at MPS is intended both to protect that primary responsibility, and to give reasonable access to individuals, institutions, and organizations to conduct approved evaluation and research projects.