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Attendance, Retention & Recovery

When all students are engaged, academically, behaviorally and cognitively, all students thrive.

Programming built on trusting relationships, the belief that all students will succeed, persistence, and a long-term commitment to engage students in learning with an intentional focus and prioritization of resources and actions to significantly improve the experience of students resulting in academic success, increased attendance, enrollment, and graduation rates.

Attendance Policy

Daily attendance and on-time arrival gives each student the opportunity to start the day with a healthy breakfast and time to socialize with their peers. Being in school on time and ready to learn is critical to academic achievement and creates a sense of belonging in our school community. 

The goal of the MPS Attendance Policy is to promote student attendance and assure that absences are effectively addressed and learning resumes as soon as possible. Minnesota law states that all students are required to attend school from age 7, or when they enroll in kindergarten (whichever comes first) until they are 18 years old.

School staff are mandated reporters and directed by state statute and MPS policy to report students who are chronically absent. A student's failure to attend school may lead to legal action for the parents/guardians and the student. It is our goal to work with students and families to promote daily attendance and engage students in learning. MPS has set 95% attendance as the minimum standard.

Always contact your school when your child will be late or absent. School staff are available to help with support and answer questions about absences.Elementary students arriving one hour after the start of instruction will be coded as a half-day absent due to the impact of the loss of learning time.

What are excused absences?