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My Life Plan

Comprehensive, equity-based, proactive

My Life Plan is the district-wide College and Career Readiness curriculum for all students in grades 6-12 and the completion of grade level Activities are required for graduation.

The State of Minnesota, in Minnesota Statutes, section 120B.125, requires all students to have a Personal Learning Plan (PLP) that includes academic scheduling, career exploration, career- and employment-related skills, community partnerships, college access, all forms of postsecondary education and training, and experiential learning opportunities. A PLP is a personalized plan for students to use with parents, school staff, and administrators. It can be used to plan, assess, and record student progress toward career and college readiness.

Through My Life Plan lessons and activities, students are developing a continuous Personal Learning Plan from 6th-12th grade by building a foundation, then exploration and eventually preparation of their college and career readiness and are creating an individualized post-secondary portfolio.

My Life Plan lessons are delivered by Licensed School Counselors along with Achieve College and Career Center coordinators. There are 5-7 lessons at each grade level.  Students complete multiple college and career readiness Activities at each grade level which include surveys, inventories, discussions, and other hands-on activities. Lessons are connected to one another in a meaningful way and offer time for reflection and interaction so that students will gain real awareness of all the possible post-secondary options available to them and how to reach their goals. Each lesson includes an Exit Ticket or Activity on Naviance that serves to build the student portfolio.

Naviance is a secure, web-based, post-secondary planning tool used by students, families, teachers, and licensed school counselors in middle and high school.

With this tool, students can...

  • Create a post-secondary plan
  • Create an electronic portfolio
  • Take inventories to increase self-awareness
  • Research career opportunities
  • Research college options
  • Search our scholarship listings
  • Review scheduled college representative visits
  • Review GPA and test information
  • Communicate with counselors
  • Plan their coursework for their remaining years with MPS
  • And much more!

With this tool, counselors can...

  • Assist students with all of the above
  • Easily track transcript requests
  • Mass communicate with students through their MPS email accounts
  • Mass communicate with families
  • Relay information in a timely, efficient manner
  • Keep track of My Life Plan graduation requirements
  • And much more!

Naviance Family Connection

Family Connection provides students and families access to Naviance. Log into your account below, and contact your school counselor or CCC coordinator for help Accessing your Naviance account.

Student Access to Naviance

Guide to Using Naviance

Supermatch and Scattergrams Guide

Signing Up for College Visits

For Parents: Finding Scholarships

Sending Transcripts to Colleges