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Social Work

Our Mission

We exist to help students reach their full potential. We collaborate with families, staff and community to provide direct service to students and develop school systems that further the social, emotional and academic growth of students.

Our Vision

Every student mentally, physically and emotionally secure; actively learning and engaged in their education.

Our Values

1. Right to a quality education 2. Integrity 3. Equity 4. Social Justice 5. Competence 5. Dignity and Worth of Each Person 6. Service 7. Importance of Human Relationships

Our Promise

Minneapolis Public Schools Social Work Department promises to provide social work services to support academic success, mental health and equity for all students.



Cathy Dalnes
Lead Social Worker

Social Work Department
1250 West Broadway
Minneapolis, MN 55411-2533

School Social Worker
Social work services are available at all MPS schools. Contact your school social worker through your school's main office.


How We Support Students