On this page:
For data privacy concerns, some resources may require you to sign in to Google Chrome with your MPS email in order to see them.
Clever is an online tool used to quickly and easily access resources like:
- Benchmark
- Dreambox
- myON
- read180/system 44
- TalkingPoints
- Wixie
Login to Clever from a Computer (VIDEO)
Login to Clever from an iPad (VIDEO)
Print Clever Badges for Students (VIDEO)
- Teachers are able to print Clever badges for their students.
- Students can not print their own badge.
- If you’re having issues logging into Clever and/or accessing any of the apps, please check with your site’s Infinite Campus Scheduler to ensure you and your students are scheduled correctly.
- If you’re a co-teacher, please check with your site’s Infinite Campus Scheduler to see how many co-teachers have been added to the class.
- Applications that are found in Clever only support a single teacher of record and 3 co-teachers per class. If a class is assigned more than 3 co-teachers, the co-teachers will have problems accessing applications.