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For data privacy concerns, some resources may require you to sign in to Google Chrome with your MPS email in order to see them.

binoculars > Overview

Login to your MPS Google account (email and password), to gain access to:

  • Google Drive
  • Google Classroom
  • Google Docs
  • and more Google apps

Large question mark within a circle shape. > General Help

Sign in to Google Chrome

When you sign in to Google Chrome with your MPS email and password, Google automatically syncs your information to several MPS websites and systems.

Check for MPS Sign In

If you see an image of a hot air balloon below, then congrats! You're signed in to Google Chrome with your MPS email and password.

Not signed in?

If you do not see an image of a hot air balloon, do not click the "request access" button. Click the account button (as depicted in the example below) to sign in with your MPS email address and password.


Google Docs "request access" screen. The "request access" button is crossed out. There's an arrow pointing to the sign in account details at the bottom.



Clipboard with a sheet of paper containing various checkboxes. > Resources

Click the title(s) below to reveal resources.

For data privacy concerns, some resources may require you to sign in to Google Chrome with your MPS email in order to see them.