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For data privacy concerns, some resources may require you to sign in to Google Chrome with your MPS email in order to see them.

binoculars Overview

Chromebook computers are used by both students and staff at Minneapolis Public Schools.


Computer cursor in the form of a hand with extended pointing finger. Get Started


Large question mark within a circle shape. General Help

  • Students cannot log out of the Google Chrome web browser.
  • At high schools, students and employees can login to their Chromebooks with their personal Gmail accounts.
  • Note: All downloaded files go directly to the user's Google Drive (with the exception of images and videos captured with the Camera app). 
  • Note: Chromebooks have very little storage and as a result, files from the Downloads folder are deleted when a student logs out of the Chromebook. Students should save files to their Google Drive account.


Clipboard with a sheet of paper containing various checkboxes. Resources

Explore our collection of tools, guides, and other useful information.


Overlapping tools which include a wrench and screwdriver. Troubleshooting