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For data privacy concerns, some resources may require you to sign in to Google Chrome with your MPS email in order to see them.

binoculars Overview

All MPS devices (whether you have a MAC, PC, or Chromebook) support all essential features, including:

✔️ 🔊 Audio: Play, record, and create audio files. 

✔️ 🎬 Video: Play, record, and edit video files. 

✔️ 📸 Photo: Preview and edit photos.

✔️ 📌 Screenshot: Capture a still image of what’s on your screen.

✔️ 💻 Coding: Develop computer commands or system instructions.

Clipboard with a sheet of paper containing various checkboxes. Resources

Click the title(s) below to reveal resources.


storefront Vendor Resources

These resources come directly from the manufacturers.

folded paper airplane Contact Details

To learn more, reach out to:


PHONE: (612)668-0088
HOURS: Mondays-Fridays from 7:30am-4:00pm
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