Staff Computers
On this page:
For data privacy concerns, some resources may require you to sign in to Google Chrome with your MPS email in order to see them.
All MPS devices (whether you have a MAC, PC, or Chromebook) support all essential features, including:
✔️ 🔊 Audio: Play, record, and create audio files.
✔️ 🎬 Video: Play, record, and edit video files.
✔️ 📸 Photo: Preview and edit photos.
✔️ 📌 Screenshot: Capture a still image of what’s on your screen.
✔️ 💻 Coding: Develop computer commands or system instructions.
Vendor Resources
These resources come directly from the manufacturers.
- My computer shuts down automatically
- My computer is slow
- I accidentally deleted an important file
- I can't open an email attachment
- How can I "right click" on a MAC?
My computer shuts down automatically
My computer is slow
I accidentally deleted an important file
I can't open an email attachment
How can I "right click" on a MAC?
Contact Details
To learn more, reach out to:
PHONE: (612)668-0088
HOURS: Mondays-Fridays from 7:30am-4:00pm
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